Olá Brasil!

As part of my Ignite project, I’m looking at Sustainable Manufacturing; in particular, I’m really interested in how it fits into the Corporate Social Responsibility agendas of multinational businesses, especially in developing economies.

CSR is a bit of controversial topic to say the least – is it driven by a genuine concern for the wellbeing of our society or is it just PR spin? Whatever the motives may be, I see sustainable manufacturing as a cornerstone for a strong CSR policy, and I don’t think there’s any way that it could be described as a publicity stunt. To make a process “lean and green” requires commitment and investment from all levels of a company, it demands continuous review and it will often result in a cultural shift within the organisation; this may be a result of the recognition that, in a marketplace with dwindling resoures, more efficient, sustainable processes are required in order for a company to remain a competitive player. In other words, I think there is too much at risk for this to be a mere marketing tool.

My own experience of sustainable manufacturing in the UK is, to be honest, pretty poor. I’ve yet to see a company where I’ve thought “Wow”. There’s a lot of talk but I always feel it’s just hot air.

 So, to see if I can find some really good examples, I’ve headed out to Brazil where I’ll be working with one of the world’s leading manufacturing companies, who produce key components for almost all of the major automotive brands such as Audi, Volkswagon, Fiat and Toyota. They are renowned for their environmental policies and for their commitment to sustainable manufacturing. I’ll also be visiting other factories in southern Brasil to give me the chance to compare strategies and best practice.

I’m not overly sure what the outcome of this project will be but, ultimately, I want to gain a better understanding of sustainable manufacturing than I could from a textbook.

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